Unit 10 P5 M3
Interpret findings from the research presenting them clearly in an appropriate format
Analyse the research findings and make recommendations on how marketing strategies could be adapted or implemented
Within this assignment I will be interpreting the results from my market research which I carried out in JCoSS school. I will be asking 20 teenagers between the ages of 13 to 19 to fill out my questionnaire and give feedback. Additionally, I will be carrying out secondary research using the Internet to gather research about competitors and important aspects of being online. I will analyse the information I collected and decide what the results mean for Otterbox. I will be identifying the average, median, mode and range of each question. Furthermore, I will be using suitable formats to show each response for each of the questions.
This is my questionnaire I put together, which was answered by 20 teenagers between the age of 13-19.
Primary Research
Within this assignment I will be interpreting the results from my market research which I carried out in JCoSS school. I will be asking 20 teenagers between the ages of 13 to 19 to fill out my questionnaire and give feedback. Additionally, I will be carrying out secondary research using the Internet to gather research about competitors and important aspects of being online. I will analyse the information I collected and decide what the results mean for Otterbox. I will be identifying the average, median, mode and range of each question. Furthermore, I will be using suitable formats to show each response for each of the questions.
This is my questionnaire I put together, which was answered by 20 teenagers between the age of 13-19.
Primary Research
2. From finding out what gender the people who answered my questionnaire were allows me to understand the difference between female and male needs. I will be able to determine if females or males prefer a certain aspect etc. This is helpful because when producing my new range of phone cases I can produce a range separately for female and for male because they require different needs. From the results we can see that more females answered my questionnaire which means I think more females would prefer my new range of phone cases rather than men. The marketing strategy I would recommend as a result of this is deciding on a suitable new range that would suit both female and male so that both genders can purchase the phone cases.
3. We can see the different areas in which people who answered my questionnaire live in. We can see that the most popular areas are Bushey and Mill Hill. This means that I should locate my new range of phone cases near or in these areas, as that is where the majority of people live which would be convenient to my customers. The marketing strategy I would recommend from finding out this information is that I will carefully locate the phone case into appropriate areas or high streets that will be busy and successful and introduce individuals kiosks.
4. This shows the people that are employed full-time, unemployed or employed part-time majority of people who answered my questionnaire. From this we can tell that we should price the new range of phone cases at an appropriate pricing to fit the needs of people who are employed but part-time, which means that they will be getting money but now a lot however, they will have enough to frequently spend on luxury items such as phone cases. From these results we know that our target audience are mainly people who are employed part-time.
5. This shows the ages of people who answered my questionnaire. The majority of people who answered my questionnaire are aged 13-16. Following 13-16 the next age group that is extremely close to that is 17-20. This means that my target market for my new range of phone cases fits extremely well because they show it is the same from the questionnaire. The marketing strategy I would recommend as a result of this information is that I will ensure the phone cases met the requirements of my target audience and everything they said in this questionnaire because the majority of people who answered my questionnaire fit into my target audience.
6. This shows that the majority of people think Ottorbox's phone cases are good value for money. This means that their quality of phone cases are extremely good as the majority of customers are pleased with the phone cases. From this analysis, I would recommend focusing on keeping up the quality of the products to ensure they are constantly good value for money. I will make sure I keep the same manufactures, producers etc to keep this up.
7. This shows how the people who answered my questionnaire feel about the pricing of the phone cases. The majority of people said that the pricing was perfectly priced. This means that the prices that the existed cases are priced are liked by customers therefore, I will continue to use the same pricing method for the new range of phone cases. The marketing strategy I will recommend I use when producing my phone cases is to not focus so much on the pricing because this is an aspect that customers are happy with and feel is good with the product therefore I will improve other aspects that aren't so perfect.
8. This shows that people would purchase a phone case if a new range of cases were introduced. This is a positive response as I know that when I bring my new range of phone cases out they will be purchased and successful. From this analysis I have found out that this meets my aims and objectives of my market research which makes it a useful questionnaire.
9. This shows the amount of people who have and who haven't purchased a phone case from Ottorbox before. This shows that more people who answered my questionnaire haven't purchased a phone case which means that the majority of people haven't seen an Ottorbox phone case before therefore they don't have any opinions of the phone cases which is could be a positive or negative thing for the new range of phone cases.
10. This shows the people who are happy and who aren't happy with their purchase. From this graph we can tell that the majority of people who answered my questionnaire were happy with their purchase. This is an important and positive response because people enjoy the phone cases therefore they will enjoy the new range of phone cases. From this analysis, the market strategy I would recommend using is keeping a good customer relationship and basis so that we receive more repeat customers.
11. This shows the scale between 1-5 on how the people who answered the questionnaire felt about recommending the Ottorbox's phone cases. The majority of people answered 1, which means they answered 'Yes highly'. This shows that they would highly recommend Ottorboxs phone cases.
This shows the most liked aspect of the phone case. The majority of people answered the texture which mean that the quality of the phone cases were liked and a big part of the buying decision for the phone cases. This shows my target audience rated the existing phone cases very highly which means they will hopefully enjoy the new range.
12. This shows the improvement or changes the customers wanted from the phone case. The majority of responses were nothing as they were pleased with the phone cases however, some of the responses were that people would have changed or improved the size of the phone case. Another response I got was that customers wanted quicker delivery. These improvements will be taken on board and will be improved when producing the new range of phone cases. The market strategy I recommend using from finding out this information is doing some more research on existing phone cases and looking at their different sizes and how thick/thin, how wide/short etc they are. Also, I would read more reviews from phone cases to get an idea about the competitors in the market and find gaps in the market for unique phone cases.
13. This explains the way in which people came across the Ottorbox's website. This shows that the majority of people came across it through advertisement. A lot of people also came across it through mouth of word. This means that the advertisement of Ottorbox is doing well as it is getting across to people. From this information, the marketing strategy I will recommend is using more advertisement to advertise Ottorbox's website and their new range when it comes out.
14. This shows the thought behind the customers purchasing the phone case. This means that people mainly choose the phone cases from Ottorbox because of the protection of the cases. Also, because of the different choices there were of the phone cases. This shows that Ottorbox's target audience choice to purchase a phone case mainly based on the protection which makes them stand out compared to their competitors clearly. When producing the new range of phone cases I will aim to focus on the protection of the cases as this is a big reason for customers purchasing the phone cases.
One benefits of this research was that the questions were really specific and direct which allowed be to find out specific figures and important data. An example of this
Secondary Research

From doing my secondary research, I discovered that the phone case industry is extremely competitive, yet their are only a number of stores who are successful by just selling phone cases. John Lewis, Amazon, Argo, Claires, ASOS are just a few of the businesses which sell phone cases along side other products although businesses such as Skinny Dip, Ohh Dear, Skinny Dip, Mobilefun just sell phone cases.
UNIT 10 M3
Analyse the research findings and make recommendations on how marketing strategies could be adapted or implemented
In this assignment I will be analysing the research I found and make recommendations on how marketing strategies could be implemented to improve the success of the business. I am using the business Otterbox, which are a phone case company.
The nature of my research brief
Research objectives
How you decided to collect the data and why
Key findings and recommendations
Any improvements that I would make if I was to conduct it again
UNIT 10 D2
Evaluate the findings from the research undertaken
Within this assignment I will be evaluating the results I obtained from my research in depth. Overall, the research that was carried out went well and was very effective, as I managed to get useful and essential information that will help me when producing the new range of phone cases.
I used two different types of research, the primary research method that I used was a questionnaire, and the secondary research method that I carried out was internet research. Both research methods were essential in helping me gain accurate and relevant information I need to produce the new range of phone cases. Both methods allowed me to cover all my aims and objectives I wanted to get out of doing the research which means it was successful and very effective.
The things that went well whilst doing my research was that I was able to understand the contrast between the 20 teenagers that I asked to complete my questionnaire. One example of this is that there was a variety of different answers which gave me the ability to have a huge quantity of information. This means that Otterbox was able to identify their target audience and communicate with their target audience.
The primary research went very well because I gained a lot of information that I will be able to use in order to help me with future development for my new range of phone cases. I found out specific pieces of information that was specific to me and the phone cases. This went well because all my responses for my questionnaire questions were answered in depth with a lot of detail. From doing the questionnaire I found out that people thought that Ottorbox's cases are good value for money which is a positive thing which I will consider and maintain in my development for my new range of phone cases. Furthermore, I found out from the questionnaire, the target audiences find Otterbox's website appealing and clear because a full 20 people answered yes to the question 'Was Otterbox's website appealing and clear'. Therefore, the primary research was effective because I was able to find out what people didn't like and what they did like about Otterbox as a business and their phone cases. I will incorporate the aspects people liked into the new range of phone cases and work on improving the aspects people said they didn't like or needed improvement.
From doing secondary research, I was able to gather successful information because of my questionnaire. I used the internet to look at previous reviews customers have left on Otterbox's website. From these reviews I was able to find out that customers commonly purchase phone cases from Otterbox which means they are loyal and repetitive customers therefore they will most likely purchase a phone case from the new range. The secondary research went well because I established that customers prefer to shop for phone cases online instead of going into a physical store which is an encouraging thing seeing as Otterbox operating online only. Also, I noticed customers like getting quick delivery which means I will consider different delivery options for customers to have the choose of which delivery time the would want to have.
If I was to redo this research I would change a few things. I would defiantly obtain more information from conducting more secondary research, because it is extremely helpful looking at reviews of phone cases, not just from Otterbox's website, but from other phone case websites too to see what other businesses offer and what their customers think about their phone cases. I would ensure the information i obtained was 100% accurate and from reliable sources to ensure I am getting maximum use out of the research. Additionally, I would undertake more primary research using wider sources such as; magazines, books, government publications etc. When conducting the questionnaire I would ensure that it is controlled to make sure everyone answers the questionnaire in confidence and giving accurate answers, filling it out completely because some people didn't answer every single question which means there was a lack of information.
Both primary and secondary research have their own problems which affected my research negatively. One limitation that the questionnaire caused, was that some people didn't understand what the question's was asking because they were so vague. This is a problem because some people left question's blank which gives us a lack of information and makes the research ineffective. As my questionnaire was seriously controlled and monitored, some people rushed the questionnaire and answered some questions with short, indistinct answers because they wanted to finish the questionnaire. Besides, one limitation that obtaining information from the internet caused, was that some people left scam reviews which waste a lot of space on the reviews page. As well as this, some reviews sometimes may not be specific to the needs of the research, which means that the information won't be productive or constructive compared to looking at reviews that are specific to the needs of the research.
The research I collected could be wrong or misleading because it it easy to respond to answers using fake information. Some people could made up things and write them down in the answers which will not be truthful and this will make our research misleading because we won't have honest answers. Due to this, Otterbox may want to use this information to help them in their development for the new range of phone cases although it could be fake which is why more research needs to be carried out. Another reason I feel my primary research was a bit misleading was because the questions within the questionnaire were not specific enough and were too vague. As a result of this some people couldn't understand the questions properly and misunderstood leading to irrelevant answers which are not helpful for the research.
All these suggestions are realistic and will be taken on board in order to help increase Otterbox's development of the new range of phone cases to allow them to be successful. Furthermore, the marketing strategies I suggested were; direct selling, internet selling and relationship marketing. The most effective one I think will be relationship marketing because having a good relationship with the customers is one of the most important aspects of a business in order to be successful. If customers have a good relationship with the business it will lead to repeat purchases and a good reputation for the Otterbox because people will tell their friends and other people about Otterbox. Relationships can be easily made by using direct selling such as; emails to customers which show them special offers or promotions on at the moment which will entice them into the website and make them feel valued and special because they are getting directly emailed. Although these marketing strategies are useful they also have negatives. One of those negatives is that some people don't always look at every email they are sent and can send it straight to trash because it annoys them. This doesn't benefit Otterbox because people are not reading their emails and this doesn't allow them to build good relationships with their customers. Otterbox will be spending a lot of money on direct marketing which can also be very time consuming which means it is hard for a business to build strong relationships with loads of their customers.