In this assignment I will be planning and conducting a market research using one primary and one secondary data collection method.
The method I have chosen to use for my primary data collection is- Questionnaires
This is because questionnaires are an extremely effective way of gathering information in one go as it is reliable because you are producing and carrying out the research yourself. Also, they allow people to answer one worded answers as well as lengthy detailed opinions answers which is really helpful for a business to launch their new range of phone cases.
The method I have chosen to use for my secondary data collection is- Internet
This is because the internet holds a huge load of data and information that can be essential to help a business produce a new range. It is secondary data as this information and data has already been obtained by someone else, or another business making it less reliable then primary research however, a massive population of people publish information on the internet which is useful for businesses.
Research brief-
Ottorbox are a small business who produce phone cases. They have decided to launch a new range of appealing phone cases which are targeted at teenagers. After assessing the different types of research methods there are to find out as much information needed to make the new range successful we have come to a conclusion that we need to carry out research for the new range. I will be carrying out primary and secondary research in order to gain a bulk of accurate and reliable knowledge from different sources. The aims and objective of my research is to find out information to ensure the range is successful and increases the businesses sales. I will be using two different types of research methods which are; questionnaires and the internet.
Below is my plan of how I intend to carry out my research for my questionnaires-
For the survey I will be asking 20 teenagers between the ages of 13-19 from any background as Ottorbox are a small business. The information I get from my questionnaires will go into a report and I will evaluate the data using various graphs, charts etc. Collecting this research will take quite a long time to get 20 people to answer my questionnaires especially as it may be hard to find 20 people who fit into the target audience.
This is my plan for how I am going to carry out my research from the internet. I will be going onto Ottorbox's official website and collecting information about the different products they sell by saving screenshots of them. Furthermore, I will be screens hotting the reviews of previous customers who have purchased a phone case from Ottorbox
Research proposal-
Overall I will be collecting data from two different research methods. One of them will be primary research, which will be a questionnaire. The other one will be secondary research which I will be using the Internet for. Both these research methods are useful and effective research methods which is why I picked these specific methods as they have a significance in finding information for the new range of phone cases.
UNIT 10 P4
This is the link to my primary research, my questionnaire. The questions are available to see and so are the responses where 20 people answered my questionnaire.
Log for Questionnaire-
The research was conducted on Wednesday 14th December where I asked teenagers between the ages of 13-19 at JCoSS school throughout the day if they were willing to fill out my questionnaire. I created my questionnaire on Google Forms as this is an easy method to produce a questionnaire and it is clear to access as it is online. This information is reliable because I carried it out myself and I know the people who answered my questionnaire were the ages they told me because I can check with their teachers which makes the results more accurate. It was reliable also because I didn't force anyone to answer the questionnaire, it was all their own opinions and preferences. Collecting my data was challenging as it was hard to find 20 people to fill out my questionnaire because especially my target audience being teenagers, they don't want to wast their time filling out a survey however, I found 20 people eventually and they were all enthusiastic about answering it so that was great.
These are the responses from 20 people who filled out my Questionnaire. The questions were asked in various different formats therefore te responses are presented in different formats also, such as graphs, pie charts etc.

Internet research

Log for Internet Research-
I conducted this research on Tuesday 13th December in which I researched about the business, Otterbox and their phone cases. I found reviews from previous customers who have purchases a phone case form Otterbox and it explains their opinions on the product and the business itself. This will help with my research because it is secondary research therefore it is a wider range of people. The data was easy to access as they are all on their websites underneath the products in the 'Reviews' section. Although, the reliability of this source is not going to be so reliable as we don't know the ages of the people who have brought the phone case as the new range is only target at teenagers. Furthermore, we did not do the reviews ourself therefore we don't know the accuracy of the reviews.
UNIT 10 M2
To: marketingdirector@otterbox.co.uk
From: oliviaspalter@hotmail.co.uk
Subject: Reasons for choosing the primary and secondary research methods I choose
Dear marketing director and whom it may concern,
In this email I will be explaining the reasons for choosing the primary and secondary research method that I used to collect data. The selected products I was collecting data for was the new range of phone cases produced by Otterbox.
I choose to use a primary research method, which was a questionnaire as I felt this was an appropriate method to find research out because it is an accurate method as it was being carried out first-hand, by me.The benefits of using this method for collecting primary research is up to date and modern because it is fresh information. I saw every person who answered the questionnaires and knew they all fit into my target audience which validates that a questionnaire is an accurate form of research. I used primary research to find out if there any products like this on the market and to find out about Otterbox's competitors. One question I asked within my questionnaire was "Have you bought a phone case from Otterbox before" because from the answers I was able to determine if people have previously purchased a product from Otterbox, if not then they have purchased a phone case from one of Otterbox's competitors. Questionnaires meet my specific needs and allows me to find out the specific questions I need to because it enables me to ask exactly what I want and alter the questions to provide a range of different question types in order to get different answers.
A lot of information can be collected from using a questionnaire which is one of the reasons I chose a questionnaire. Large quantity's of information can be put into them because their is the space to write a lot in. All this information can be placed into the questionnaire in a short period of time which makes it an efficient yet effective method of research which is good because I needed to collect information in a short period of time. The results from a questionnaire can be easily and quickly quantified and put into charts, graphs etc. This is another reason I choose to use questionnaires because this is useful when finding out quantities of people who answered a specific answer for a question. It will help me to be able to classify what my target audience answered positively too and what I need to improve by being able to easily put the answers into a graph, chart of form of table. Also, I can use this to compare or contract other research gathered and may be used to measure change which is a helpful thing to do. I included various different question types within my questionnaire such as; long worded answers, short answers, multiple choose etc. This means that using questionnaires are most appropriate because it allows a lot of information to be written in a short amount of time.
There are a few disadvantages of using questionnaires, as it may not be 100% accurate because some people may rush through it and not answer valid answers for a multiple number of reasons, one being that they 'cant be bothered'. This can lead to people writing information down that is false and can be completely irrelevant which is no help or use. There are other reasons why people may not want to answer with honesty, one could be because of social desirability bias and attempting to protect privacy. By ensuring respondents that their information will be secured and private, maybe this will encourage more people to answer honestly. Besides this point, some questions may be interpreted differently by people because some questions could be laid out in a different format or a number of multiple reasons to why people may interpret questions differently. This problem could be fixed by ensuring the questions are simple and don't have a hidden meaning. The questions will be thought about carefully and will think about the types of questions as well e.g how many open-ended questions, how many multiple choices?
By using questionnaires it appeals more to the target audience I am targeting, 13-19 year olds. Additionally, the target audience are more familiar with questionnaires rather than other types of primary research such as telephone survey therefore they were more willing to answer the questionnaire. Questionnaires are a great way of helping to find out about the phone cases because I was able to put in a range of different formatted questions to allow a range of different results, also to appeal to the target audience so they do not get bored of their questionnaire. The questionnaires were extremely effective as we gathered a wide range of knowledge from the response as this will help to improve and understand what the consumers would like to see for the new range of phone cases. If I had chosen a research method such as focus groups, the information and data I receive from this method will not easily extend into a chart, graph etc. Which is a big negative and I am happy I went with questionnaires because of this bonus. Being able to do this is appropriate for me because I had quantitative and qualitative questions which means the answers I receive will be some what numbers which are more straightforward if converted to a graph, chart, table etc.
I decided to carry out secondary research also because it will enable me to gather a wider set of information and will make my research more accurate. The secondary research method I thought was the most suitable method to use was Internet research, because this is a effective way of collecting information and data which has already been researched. It will allow me to see how well Otterbox is doing through their reviews page on their official website and I can see people opinions and their feedback which will allow me to find ways of improving the negative comments. Using the Internet to gather research will save Otterbox a lot of time, as they do not have to waste a lot time to go out and collect data because it has already been done and put onto the internet for other people to access. The validity of the sources are not 100% accurate however, some websites are more accurate and reliable than others and you can use your initiative to see which ones are which. Also, internet research is very accessible and pretty much anyone can access and post anything on the internet which means there is a huge amount of people whoThe new ranges target audience, 13-19 year olds use the internet massively in their every day lives now a days which is why a lot of information and data is put online for other people to see which is why it is a suitable method to accumulate information which will help with the production and launch of the new phone case range.
I choose to use internet research because it is the most appropriate and suitable research method for the research I want to collect. This is because I was able to collect a large sample of data at once because it is already existing and all I have to do is find it, I do not need to go out and do it myself which saves a lot of time and money which is a big issue because I am saving money to invest it into the start-up of my business which is why internet research is appropriate for me. Moreover, internet research has the ability to obtain a more diverse sample rather than traditional old fashioned book based research. The internet covers a lot of things and is more modern and up to date than books and other university based research methods which is another reason why internet research is the most appropriate type of research to use. Additionally, I could look at Otterbox's competitors websites to compare them and get new ideas. I will be able to notice things on their website which are important such as what offers and deals they promote which will help Otterbox when promoting their deals and offers to make them better than their competitors to draw customers to Otterbox. Furthermore, I will be able to see how many competitors Otterbox has and how successful they are doing in comparison to Otterbox. If they have competitors that are doing exceedingly better then I will be able to see where they are doing better by comparing the two and I can then find ways to improve Otterbox.
However, there are disadvantages of using the internet as a secondary research method in order to collect data, which is its reliability which can be very uncertain. Sometimes the internet lies and you aren't 100% if the information you are reading is true or not. Across the internet their are numerous unreliable websites that have been made up and contain inaccurate information so I need to be careful when looking through the information on the internet and find websites that are reliable and that I can trust to give me truthful information. Moreover, there are more advertisement websites within th internet than their ever has been which isn't valid information because their advertisements, this is another thing I will look out for on the internet when gathering my research. Also, books are now in digital forms which are easy to use to search for books and to download, so people shouldn't forget that their are multiple resources that are available to use as well as the Internet which contains a huge amount of false information on and can be quite hard to search through all the false information to find the accurate information.
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