Saturday, 24 December 2016

unit 10 p5 m3 d2

Unit 10 P5 and M3

Interpret findings from the research presenting them clearly in an appropriate format

Analyse the research findings and make recommendations on how marketing strategies could be adapted or implemented

Within this assignment we were asked to plan and conduct a market research for Otterbox, who were bringing out a new range of phone cases. The new range were aimed at teenagers therefore they needed us to carry out a market research for them and then present the results from the research. First of all, we used primary research to conduct a questionnaire for a group of 20 people to fill out and give feedback on the Otterbox phone case.

This shows the names of the people who answered my questionnaire. From this we can tell the different names of the people that answered my questionnaire. This is useful for future reference incase you need to relate back to them.

This shows the gender of people who answered my questionnaire. From this, we can tell that more females responded to my questionnaire which means that the new range of phone cases appeal more to female than male. The marketing strategy I would recommend as a result of this is deciding on a suitable new range that would suit both female and male so that both genders can purchase the phone cases.

This shows the areas of the people who answered my questionnaire live. From this, we can tell that the most people lived in Bushey and Mill Hill. This means that I will be locating my new range of phone cases in these areas as that is where the majority of people are. The marketing strategy I would recommend from finding out this information is that I will carefully locate the phone case into appropriate areas that will be busy and successful and introduce individuals kiosks etc.

This shows the people that are employed full-time, unemployed or employed part-time majority of people who answered my questionnaire. From this we can tell that we should price the new range of phone cases at an appropriate pricing to fit the needs of people who are employed but part-time, which means that they will be getting money but now a lot however, they will have enough to frequently spend on luxury items such as phone cases. From these results we know that our target audience are mainly people who are employed part-time.

This shows the ages of people who answered my questionnaire. The majority of people who answered my questionnaire are aged 13-16. Following 13-16 the next age group that is extremely close to that is 17-20. This means that my target market for my new range of phone cases fits extremely well because they show it is the same from the questionnaire. The marketing strategy I would recommend as a result of this information is that I will ensure the phone cases met the requirements of my target audience and everything they said in this questionnaire because the majority of people who answered my questionnaire fit into my target audience.

This shows that the majority of people think Ottorbox's phone cases are good value for money. This means that their quality of phone cases are extremely good as the majority of customers are pleased with the phone cases. From this analysis, I would recommend focusing on keeping up the quality of the products to ensure they are constantly good value for money. I will make sure I keep the same manufactures, producers etc to keep this up.

This shows how the people who answered my questionnaire feel about the pricing of the phone cases. The majority of people said that the pricing was perfectly priced. This means that the prices that the existed cases are priced are liked by customers therefore, I will continue to use the same pricing method for the new range of phone cases. The marketing strategy I will recommend I use when producing my phone cases is to not focus so much on the pricing because this is an aspect that customers are happy with and feel is good with the product therefore I will improve other aspects that aren't so perfect.

This shows that people would purchase a phone case if a new range of cases were introduced. This is a positive response as I know that when I bring my new range of phone cases out they will be purchased and successful. From this analysis I have found out that this meets my aims and objectives of my market research which makes it a useful questionnaire.

This shows the amount of people who have and who haven't purchased a phone case from Ottorbox before. This shows that more people who answered my questionnaire haven't purchased a phone case which means that the majority of people haven't seen an Ottorbox phone case before therefore they don't have any opinions of the phone cases which is could be a positive or negative thing for the new range of phone cases. 

This shows the people who are happy and who aren't happy with their purchase. From this graph we can tell that the majority of people who answered my questionnaire were happy with their purchase. This is an important and positive response because people enjoy the phone cases therefore they will enjoy the new range of phone cases. From this analysis, the market strategy I would recommend using is keeping a good customer relationship and basis so that we receive more repeat customers.

This shows the scale between 1-5 on how the people who answered the questionnaire felt about recommending the Ottorbox's phone cases. The majority of people answered 1, which means they answered 'Yes highly'. This shows that they would highly recommend Ottorboxs phone cases.
This shows the most liked aspect of the phone case. The majority of people answered the texture which mean that the quality of the phone cases were liked and a big part of the buying decision for the phone cases. This shows my target audience rated the existing phone cases very highly which means they will hopefully enjoy the new range.

This shows the improvement or changes the customers wanted from the phone case. The majority of responses were nothing as they were pleased with the phone cases however, some of the responses were that people would have changed or improved the size of the phone case. Another response I got was that customers wanted quicker delivery. These improvements will be taken on board and will be improved when producing the new range of phone cases. The market strategy I recommend using from finding out this information is doing some more research on existing phone cases and looking at their different sizes and how thick/thin, how wide/short etc they are. Also, I would read more reviews from phone cases to get an idea about the competitors in the market and find gaps in the market for unique phone cases.

This explains the way in which people came across the Ottorbox's website. This shows that the majority of people came across it through advertisement. A lot of people also came across it through mouth of word. This means that the advertisement of Ottorbox is doing well as it is getting across to people. From this information, the marketing strategy I will recommend is using more advertisement to advertise Ottorbox's website and their new range when it comes out.

This shows the thought behind the customers purchasing the phone case. This means that people mainly choose the phone cases from Ottorbox because of the protection of the cases. Also, because of the different choices there were of the phone cases. This shows that Ottorbox's target audience choice to purchase a phone case mainly based on the protection which makes them stand out compared to their competitors clearly. When producing the new range of phone cases I will aim to focus on the protection of the cases as this is a big reason for customers purchasing the phone cases.

UNIT 10 D2

Evaluate the findings from the research undertaken

Overall the research that was carried out went well as I managed to get useful and essential information that will help me when producing the new range of phone cases. I used two different types of research, the primary research method I used was a questionnaire and the secondary research method was internet research. Both research methods were essential in helping me gain accurate and relevant information I need to produce the new range of phone cases. Both methods allowed me to cover all my aims and objectives I wanted to get out of doing the research which means it was successful and very effective.

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

unit 27 p4 m3 d1

UNIT 27 P4

Produce a risk assessment for a selected administrative work environment

In this assignment I will be planning a risk assessment for JCoSS school's science department, which I will be conducting after I plan it. Risk assessments are used to protect workers and students, any anyone else involved in the workplace to ensure all risks are identified and noticed and the appropriate precautions are made in order to prevent these problems from occurring. They are easy to understand, making it easy for businesses to focus on the most important risks that really matter in the science department, the ones that could potentially harm someone. It is very important to manage these risks to ensure everyone in the science department is safe and in a safe workplace. Risk assessments are the best way of managing risks because they look activities and assess what could go wrong and identify suitable ways to prevent them from happening. They are legal requirements which mean all work places have to conduct risk assessments frequently and ensure they are up to date.

For the risk assessment, there is no compulsory format to use, however many businesses use a generic one. For example, all schools will use the same one and all fire management businesses use the same one. If there are more than 5 people in the workplace, there must be documents recorded as this is a legal requirement. It can be recorded either by paper or electronically. JCoSS have more than 5 people working in their science department which means a risk assessment document is compulsory.

Some businesses risk assessments don't need to be updated frequently as not a lot things change in the businesses however, a lot of businesses, especially science departments because the rooms are constantly being used with different toxic chemicals and substances and equipment etc being used in it. Therefore, the risk assessment for the science department needs to be updated frequently and throughly checked through to ensure all risks have been identified. Also, by talking to the sciences teachers and technicians who are constantly in the classrooms will help because they may have noticed a risk that wasn't noticed easily. When a new practice is introduced in the science department, a new risk assessment has to be made as this is important to ensure all risks for that new practise are ruled out and eliminated. In the case of an injury or emergency, the risk assessment has to be replaced and updated to ensure all risks are throughly noticed this time.

The content in the risk assessment has no set content as it differs for different businesses. For JCoSS's science department they would have to include the risks, who will be harmed and how to prevent them happening. There should be a grading system on the risk assessment which is either done numerically or e.g. rated low, medium, high, extreme. When risks are identified they need to be recorded and measures need to be put in place in order to prevent these risks from occurring. An assessor also needs to review the risks assessments and update them when necessary.

Guidelines and legalisations need to be adhered to many businesses because they will draw up their own guide lines to minimise particular risks for their specific businesses or departments e.g. science department. This provides those who are carrying risk assessments with more information which is extremely helpful and useful for them because it makes the risk assessment more accurate.

Sometimes suppliers won't follow the Health and Safety procedures which is a danger to everyone in the workplace and every businesses need to be aware of this. There are different options available to businesses when they are choosing their suppliers. One of the options is to accept them and ignore the Health and Safety procedures, risking a bad reputations if material are not fit for purpose. Another option is to reflect the supplier. Also, a business could accept them if they provide written evidence that there are some risk assessments acknowledgeable. The last option is that they could accept them and visit the suppliers premises however, the supplier doesn't doesn't have to accept this and could send them away.

Many ex-business related workers are employed to work in specific Health and Safety areas as they are experienced and know what they are talking about. For example, ex fire offices are hired as fire safety consultants because they have the experience in that sector of work place (fire) and therefore they will perform this job appropriately.

I will be speaking to a few different people who are involved within JCoSS. I will speak to the head of the science department, Dr Oliver, two science teachers, Ms Follet and Mr Martin and the senior science technician, Mrs Handcock. By speaking to these different people I will be able to ask them specific questions about the science department and the current risk assessment. I will also find out if they are happy with the current risk assessment or feel any immediate changes should be made. On the 28th December 2016 I will be carrying out the risk assessment within the JCoSS Science department going into different science classrooms.

Science Department in JCoSS
Risk Assessment Plan
Date: 28.12.16

Venue: Science Department
Duration: Two hours

When conducting the risk assessment for the Science Department, ensure all risks and hazards are identified throughly and every area of the department is taken into consideration and checked. Anything that could be a possible risk should be noted down to prevent a hazard occurring and harming anyone in the department. Issues that are included: spillage of chemicals or substances, bags not under desks, wires/cables next to electricity plugs and water, smashed equipment, injury caused by falling off chair, infestation of bugs, electrocution, intake of toxic chemicals and substances.

This is to certify that your observation was through and every hazard was identified accurately and correctly.


UNIT 27 M3

Conduct a detailed risk assessment of a selected workplaceIN A GRID FORM


Visit Details: JCoSS- Science Department 
Carried out: OHS
Date: 28.12.16


Spillage of chemicals and substances- a chemical or substance could have spilt and this could cause an injury as someone may slip over it.
Intake of toxic chemicals and substances- if the appropriate equipment isn't worn correctly anyone could take in through e.g. a harmful substance or chemical.
Tripping over wires- wires may have not been placed back correctly.
Infestation of bugs- the doors or windows may have been left open and bugs could have got in and created a nest.
Electrocution- if a wire/cable touches water or a electricity socket this will cause an electric shock.
Causing burns- the bunsen burners are extremely dangerous and if not handled correctly someone could burn themselves.
Room catch on fire- if a bunsen burner isn't used correctly, the room could catch on fire.
Stabbing on equipment- if not handled correctly, someone could stab themselves on the sharp equipment.
Smashing equipment- if not handled correctly, equipment could smash and go all over the classroom.
Falling off a chair- the science department chairs do not have a back on them and they are quite far from the ground compared to normal classroom chairs.
Tripping over bags- bags may not be placed under the tables and someone could trip.


This could be managed by ensuring all spillage is immediately cleared up ensuring the floor is not wet or slippy. If this happens, a teacher should be made aware off it immediately to ensure everyone else avoids that area for the time being until it is cleaned.
This can be managed by wearing protective googles every time an experiment happens or is demonstrated.
This could be managed by ensuring all wires/cables are placed back in their correct labelled draws immediately after use. Also, all wires should be kept on the tables to avoid tripping over them.
When the classroom isn't being used the windows and doors should be shut to prevent bugs coming in. Also, no food or drink is allowed in the science classrooms. If water needs to be drunk they can go outside.
This will be managed by ensuring no water or chemical is near an electricity socket. If water needs to be near one for any reason, they should be accompanied by a science technician.
This could be managed by only using the bunsen burner on the safe flame which isn't flammable and cannot cause the room to catch on fire.
This can be managed by ensuring all equipment comes back correctly in their labelled drawers and are handled correctly. Anyone who doesn't seem capable of handling the equipment should be exempt from the experiment.
This can be managed by ensuring all equipment is in the centre of the table and is controlled by a minimum of two people so one person is constantly watching the equipment. However, if a piece of equipment smashes then the teacher should be immediately made aware and they will call a science technician in order to handle it and dispose of it in the appropriate waste bin.
This could be managed by ensuring no one swings on their chairs. Also, the chairs should all have 4 working legs, if this is not the case then the chair should not be used and given to the Health and Safety Officers to handle.
This can be managed by ensuring at all bags are firmly under their tables and no bags are in the way of anyone. If someone needs to access their bag they should make sure no equipment is around them before going into their bag.


Students, teacher
Students, teacher
Students, teacher
Students, teacher
Students, teacher
Students, teacher
Students, teacher
Students, teacher
Students, teacher
Students, teacher
Students, teacher




UNIT 27 D1

Make recommendations for improving health and safety standards and practises in a selected work environment

For this task I will be making recommendations on how to improve the health and safety standards and practises in JCoSS's Science department.

One way in which the health and safety standards could be improved within the science department is by having more regular checks of the equipment and procedures of how to handle the equipment. All the equipment in the science department needs to be checked frequently in all the different parts of the science department e.g. the science classrooms, the teachers office, the technicians rooms. The managers should record all the information about each piece of equipment that is used or in the science department and continue to monitor them to ensure health and safety standards and practises are better within the science department. These checks should be carried out weekly to ensure health and safety standards are up to standards and there are no problems or damages to any of the equipment. Furthermore, safety drills should take place and be logged.

Another way that the health and safety standards and practises should be improved in by making staff aware of industry related hazards. There should be induction for new staff to introduce them to all the health and safety regulations and procedures that they need to follow. Also, they should be showed around the classrooms, offices and technicians offices etc and should all the potential hazards that could occur and the appropriate solutions. For existing staff, they should have to frequently attend safety refreshers in which they will have sessions to refresh them on all the health and safety regulations within the science department to make them more aware of the more updated hazards. They could be taught more on first aid training, fire marshalling, fire safety procedures and COSHH training as this is all essential and important information that teachers should be fully aware of. They could implement workstation assessments, which is where every so often the workstations in the science department are inspected to see if they are safe to use.

Additionally, benchmarking could be conducted in order to compare themselves to other businesses or schools so that they can learn how to reduce accidents and ill health. Also, by doing this JCoSS's science department would learn how to improve their compliance with health and safety procedures. This is a continuous learning process where they would be able to identify their strengths and weaknesses and then can improve their performance in order to ensure the science department is a safe workplace for everyone.

Having public liability insurance would really help JCoSS's science department to improve their health and safety standards and practises as things can go wrong, like any other business, as their are health and safety failures. By having public liability insurance this will protect the science department  against any injury or damage of staff, pupils or the public. The amount charged depends on the size of the business and the business activity they undertake. This will ensure the science department are protected which is a positive thing and means the school don't have to pay or get sued as they have insurance to back them and secure them. 

unit 10 p3 p4 m2

UNIT 10 P3


In this assignment I will be planning and conducting a market research using one primary and one secondary data collection method.

The method I have chosen to use for my primary data collection is- Questionnaires
This is because questionnaires are an extremely effective way of gathering information in one go as it is reliable because you are producing and carrying out the research yourself. Also, they allow people to answer one worded answers as well as lengthy detailed opinions answers which is really helpful for a business to launch their new range of phone cases.

The method I have chosen to use for my secondary data collection is- Internet
This is because the internet holds a huge load of data and information that can be essential to help a business produce a new range. It is secondary data as this information and data has already been obtained by someone else, or another business making it less reliable then primary research however, a massive population of people publish information on the internet which is useful for businesses.


Research brief-
Ottorbox are a small business who produce phone cases. They have decided to launch a new range of appealing phone cases which are targeted at teenagers. After assessing the different types of research methods there are to find out as much information needed to make the new range successful we have come to a conclusion that we need to carry out research for the new range. I will be carrying out primary and secondary research in order to gain a bulk of accurate and reliable knowledge from different sources. The aims and objective of my research is to find out information to ensure the range is successful and increases the businesses sales. I will be using two different types of research methods which are; questionnaires and the internet.


Below is my plan of how I intend to carry out my research for my questionnaires-

For the survey I will be asking 20 teenagers between the ages of 13-19 from any background as Ottorbox are a small business. The information I get from my questionnaires will go into a report and I will evaluate the data using various graphs, charts etc. Collecting this research will take quite a long time to get 20 people to answer my questionnaires especially as it may be hard to find 20 people who fit into the target audience.


This is my plan for how I am going to carry out my research from the internet. I will be going onto Ottorbox's official website and collecting information about the different products they sell by saving screenshots of them. Furthermore, I will be screens hotting the reviews of previous customers who have purchased a phone case from Ottorbox


Research proposal-

Overall I will be collecting data from two different research methods. One of them will be primary research, which will be a questionnaire. The other one will be secondary research which I will be using the Internet for. Both these research methods are useful and effective research methods which is why I picked these specific methods as they have a significance in finding information for the new range of phone cases.

UNIT 10 P4


This is the link to my primary research, my questionnaire. The questions are available to see and so are the responses where 20 people answered my questionnaire.

Log for Questionnaire-
The research was conducted on Wednesday 14th December where I asked teenagers between the ages of 13-19 at JCoSS school throughout the day if they were willing to fill out my questionnaire. I created my questionnaire on Google Forms as this is an easy method to produce a questionnaire and it is clear to access as it is online. This information is reliable because I carried it out myself and I know the people who answered my questionnaire were the ages they told me because I can check with their teachers which makes the results more accurate. It was reliable also because I didn't force anyone to answer the questionnaire, it was all their own opinions and preferences. Collecting my data was challenging as it was hard to find 20 people to fill out my questionnaire because especially my target audience being teenagers, they don't want to wast their time filling out a survey however, I found 20 people eventually and they were all enthusiastic about answering it so that was great.

These are the responses from 20 people who filled out my Questionnaire. The questions were asked in various different formats therefore te responses are presented in different formats also, such as graphs, pie charts etc.

Internet research

Log for Internet Research-
I conducted this research on Tuesday 13th December in which I researched about the business, Otterbox and their phone cases. I found reviews from previous customers who have purchases a phone case form Otterbox and it explains their opinions on the product and the business itself. This will help with my research because it is secondary research therefore it is a wider range of people. The data was easy to access as they are all on their websites underneath the products in the 'Reviews' section. Although, the reliability of this source is not going to be so reliable as we don't know the ages of the people who have brought the phone case as the new range is only target at teenagers. Furthermore, we did not do the reviews ourself therefore we don't know the accuracy of the reviews.

UNIT 10 M2

Dear marketing director and whom it may concern,

In this email I will be explaining the reasons for choosing the primary and secondary research method that I used to collect data. The selected products I was collecting data for was the new range of phone cases produced by Otterbox.

I choose to use a primary research method, which was a questionnaire as I felt this was an appropriate method to find research out because it is an accurate method as it was being carried out first-hand, by me. Therefore this validates the results because I saw everyone who answered the questionnaires and knew they all fit into my target audience. I used primary research to find out if there any products like this on the market and the competitors. Evidence for this is the question "Have you bought a phone case from Otterbox before" because this is finding out if people have previously purchased a product from them and if not then they have bought from Otterbox's competitors.

By using questionnaires it appeals more to the target audience who are 13-19 year olds, also the target audience are more familiar with questionnaires rather than other types of primary research such as telephone survey therefore they were more willing to answer the questionnaire. Questionnaires are a great way of helping to find out about the phone cases because I was able to put in a range of different formatted questions to allow a range of different results, also to appeal to the target audience so they do not get bored of their questionnaire. The questionnaires were extremely effective as we gathered a wide range of knowledge from the response as this will help to improve and understand what the consumers would like to see for the new range of phone cases.

The secondary research method I decided to use was the Internet because this is a effective way of collecting information and data which has already been researched. This saves Otterbox a lot of time as they do not have to waste time to collect data because it has already been done and put onto the internet for other people to access. The validity of the sources are not 100% accurate however, some websites are more accurate and reliable than others and you can use your initiative to see which ones are which. The new ranges target audience, 13-19 year olds use the internet massively in their every day lives now a days which is why a lot of information and data is put online for other people to see which is why it is a suitable method to accumulate information which will help with the production and launch of the new phone case range. 

Thursday, 8 December 2016

unit 27 p3 m2

UNIT 27 P3 and M3

Explain the roles and responsibilities for health and safety of key personnel in a selected workplace


To: Department Head
From: Health and Safety Team
Date: December 9th, 2016
Subject: Legal requirements to ensure health and safety is met in the science department

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Personal Statement

The enticing prospect of a career in marketing or advertising has consolidated my desire to undertake an individual Marketing course, or a Business Management and Marketing degree at university. I am excited to build upon my creativity, academic studies and my work place experience in order to be successful in this challenging and stimulating environment.
I have always had an avid interest in marketing which is why studying Creative Media has been such a great opportunity for me. I have applied my creative and innovative skills on many of the modules on this course, such as to create a magazine advert for cereal; I enjoyed planning scenes, selecting locations and creating a storyboard using the specified brief. Whilst interviewing the models and directing the subsequent shoot, I grasped the importance of excellent visual, communication and interpersonal skills. I also enjoyed learning how to use the photographic equipment – a valuable skill in the workplace. This task encouraged me to consider all aspects of merchandising and customer habits. Studying Business has developed my skills of analysis, evaluation and application, and I look forward to enhancing my knowledge in greater depth at degree level.
This summer I undertook work experience at Frank PR. I was tasked with creating the monthly reports, reviewing all company activity such as fashion workshops and shopping centre promotions. Using skills acquired through studying Business, such as my research skills, I was able to process complex information and display the results in a variety of formats. I also applied my writing skills which I have obtained throughout my business course as I have a passion for creative writing. I also participated in a brainstorming session for a PR stunt on behalf of Green Flag where I was struck by the wealth of ideas generated in this dynamic atmosphere. During work experience at a recruitment company, PPA Education, I was given the responsibility of using their software to check CV’s and attend interviews with a view to placing teachers in appropriate vacancies. I successfully placed a candidate in a permanent position. Working on a local market stall selling Android boxes has required me to be motivated, articulate and display good relationships with customers. My job at Vanilla Hairdressers has taught me that listening to clients is essential – another invaluable skill in the workplace.
I have been keen to extend my learning beyond the classroom. Volunteering in the Autistic Unit at my school, supporting and interacting with pupils, has been a highly rewarding and motivating experience. It has been fascinating to witness the alternative techniques used to support learning, in addition to giving me a unique perspective on how to frame concepts for others and consider alternative viewpoints. This also inspired me to volunteer at the Deaf Society in Hendon where I have worked hard to learn sign language in order to improve interaction with members; good communication is very important to me. Spending a month in Israel with my peers allowed me to experience a culture so different from my own and appreciate the value of team spirit. The experience also intensified my desire to embrace the opportunity of studying abroad. Having had meningitis as a child, I am passionate about raising money for the Meningitis Trust to fund research into new vaccines and provide family support. My latest fund raising event was a Charity run and I am proud to have raised over £1000 for the trust to date.

I am a creative, outgoing and highly motivated individual, determined to push myself in order to realise my full potential. I am extremely excited by the prospect of embarking on the next stage of my academic journey, studying the subjects in which I am most interested in preparation for my future. I relish the opportunity to become independent and meet new people, seek out new challenges and take advantage of all that university life has to offer.

Friday, 2 December 2016

unit 13 resub

p3, m1, d1

Prepare the documents used in the selection and recruitment activities
Compare the purposes of the different documents used in the selection and recruitment process of a given organisation
Evaluate the usefulness of the documents in the interview pack for a given organisation, in facilitating the interview process.

Longwell Green Sales Centre is a successful organisation. In order to deliver excellent customer service Longwell Green Sales Centre recruit and train people with varying levels of experience. To recruit can take any organisation both time and money and Longwell Green Sales Centre are seeking to recruit the right people. They would like you to:
Task 1
Prepare sample documents used in selection and recruitment activities.
This provides evidence for P4
Task 2
Compare the purposes of the different documents used in the selection and recruitment process of an organisation
This provides evidence for M1
Task 3
Evaluate the usefulness of the documents in the interview pack for an organisation in facilitating the interview process.
This provides evidence for D1