Tuesday 31 January 2017

unit 10 p1 m1 p2 d1 RESUB

UNIT 10 D1

To: marketingdirector@otterbox.co.uk
Subject: Evaluation of the market research methods used by Otterbox

In this assignment I will be evaluating the market research method used by Otterbox.

I will be evaluating the market research methods Otterbox have used in order to promote their new range of products to their customers in the most successful way. Otter box have used different research methods in order to promote their new range of products and they have concluded on the most productive and effective research methods. Also, they have been able to determine what their target audience desire and want from Otterbox. From conducting the questionnaires, I found out a significant amount of things. One thing I found out was who the target audience for Otterbox really were, I discovered that the target audience were teenagers between the age of 13-19. Also, I found out

I first used the questionnaire method in order to collect information because it allowed to analyse and focus on a few specific aspects such a; customer expectations, customer needs, customer feedback, competitors, customers preferences and customer priorities. I discovered timing is very important when conducting research, which is why I questionnaires because they got filled in during school hours which allowed me to save time and money on travelling etc. I thought it would be difficult to find enough respondents in one area who were willing to fill in the questionnaires, so I thought my school would be perfect because everyone fits into Otterbox's target audience and they were enough respondents who were willing to answer the questionnaires. I needed to collect a large sample of information in a fast way, which is exactly why I choose questionnaires because they are the most suitable research method for what I need. I was able to specialise the questions in order to meet the needs of what I need to find out which made my research more valid and accurate. By using a questionnaire, it enable respondents to think about their answers because it doesn't require their answers immediately, they can have a short period of time to think about their response in order for them to not have to rush their answer and make it not honest and irrelevant. The problems I had when conducting this research was that I had to collect a lot of information so the time period extended to longer than expected which delayed a lot of things and wastes time and money. To resolve this I would've chosen a smaller data sample which would've taken a shorted amount of time. Also, I discovered that the younger respondents didn't answer the questions properly or in enough detail. They left a few blank because they said they didn't understand them or were too confusing to answer. this meant I had to then chase these students up in order to ask them to complete the questionnaires completely which took even more time and was a lot of effort. In order to resolve this problem I could've asked or emailed all form tutors to ask their students to see me at the start of break where they could all be in one place which is a lot easier and saves a lot more time. Further, I could've got more people to conduct the questionnaire in order to save time because their will numerous people conducting the questionnaire.

From conducting the questionnaires, I found out a significant amount of things. One thing I found out was who the target audience for Otterbox really were, I discovered that the target audience were teenagers between the age of 13-19.

Summarise what Otterbox found from the market research if carried out (intro)

Explain what research they used and how this helped them specifically

Otter box carried out both primary and secondary so you will need to do the above for both